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How Microsoft is Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Innovation

How Microsoft is Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world we live in, and Microsoft is at the forefront of this revolution. From speech recognition and language translation to computer visi..

Technology-enabled transportation continues to evolve as a global innovation

Technology-enabled transportation continues to evolve as a global innovation

Car technology continues to evolve along with existing technological advances. Cars that used to serve only as a means of transportation have now become an integral part of human life, chang..

HelioTech is an additional investment in UAE Strategic Development at IDEX 2023

HelioTech is an additional investment in UAE Strategic Development at IDEX 2023

based aviation company Helio Aviation Technologies focusing on designing and manufacturing plane is set to current its modern day options at the International Defense Exhibition and Conferen..

reviews the new car of the German manufacturer Audi Q5 35 TDI 2023

reviews the new car of the German manufacturer Audi Q5 35 TDI 2023

Premium SUVs are out of the attain of most, however if you are inclined to forgo a few luxurious gadgets this German family-hauler ought to be for you.
